Gabriel defended his PhD work yesterday receiving a PhD in applied mathematics/statistics to the applause of the multi-disciplinary committee composed of both statisticians and cosmologists.
Congratulations to Gabriel for his excellent work throughout and a truly outstanding presentation !
The …
And another key B3DCMB paper …
Hamza’s paper is out !
Two B3DCMB papers accepted !
Two most recent papers, led by B3DCMB students, have been accepted for publication. The map-making paper by Hamza and collaborators, presents the MAPPRAISER software which implements state-of-the-art map-making methods based on novel, B3DCMB developed numerical solvers. The manuscript will be …
Map-making hands-on courses by Hamza
Though Hamza formally left the project in early November and relocated to sunny California, where he is now a postdoctoral researcher working at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, he is still very much involved in the project’s work. Starting on Jan …
New project member at INRIA
Niels Guilbert just joined the B3DCMB project team at our INRIA-Paris partner. Niels will be working with Laura and others on adapting the randomized algorithms to solving CMB map-making and component separation linear systems !
Welcome on board, Niels !…
5th year kicked-off !
The 5th year kick-off of the project took place on Dec 14. On zoom again ! This did not however affect the scientific content of the meeting, though we missed on a free lunch, yet again !
This was amply …
Extra time at TGCC …
And as clearly good news go in pairs … we not only got a major project paper out (see the previous post), but also were awarded extra time on Joliot/Curie supercomputer at TGCC (‘au fil de l’eau’ = …
Map-making paper and software are out !
Hamza’s map-making paper is finally out ! Check it out on arXiv. The work led by Hamza is a result of a truly collaborative and multi-disciplinary effort. For us in the trenches this showcases the added value and usefulness of …
Simon on board !
Simon Biquard joined today, Dec 1, as a software engineer supported in part by ANR B3DCMB and in part by ANR BxB projects. Simon will continue using, maintaining, and developing our suite of massively parallel codes ! He is employed …
Josquin is the bossss …
Following on Radek’s departure from APC, Josquin is a newly minted coordinator of the global project as well as the APC partner. Congrats to Josquin !
The great things are about to come !!!
In meantime Radek remains on the …
The 5th year kick-off …
is scheduled for Dec 14. And will take place at APC hopefully in person. The agenda will be set in due course. …
CMB-France, the second act …
Clément and Baptiste, a postdoc and a student involved in the B3DCMB project, presented their work during the second CMB-France meeting at the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP), which was held on the 15th and 16th of November. Check here…
“Amended Gibbs samplers for for Cosmic Microwave Background power spectrum estimation” …
A new paper by Gabriel and co (including Nicolas, Josquin and Radek) just hit the shelves or at least on-line archive …
Please check here for more details … …
The 5th year kick-off coming soon !
We are planning on having a meeting in mid-December to summarize the progress to date and set the course for the 5th and the final year of the project ! The meeting will mark departure of some of the current, …
Dusted and done: Hamza got his PhD !

Hamza’s tenure at APC and his PhD studies performed in the context of the B3DCMB project have …
B3DCMB forging on !
Given the COVID pandemic impact on the project we have received an accord of the French National Research Agency (ANR) to extend the project till the fall of 2022 ! This is great news which will allow for a better …
B3DCMB hosts an intern
Paule, an undergaduate student from TELECOM Paris, has joined the B3DCMB project for a four week long internship project. She is performing it at INRIA under the tutelage of Laura but spends significant part of her time at APC working …
The 4th year kick-off just happened !
As scheduled we had a 4 year kick off today. In the presence of essentially all participants, plus two new prospective PhD students, Arianna and Magdy, who will be joining the APC group in the fall, we have had exciting …
The 4th year kick-off scheduled …
With a slight delay but nevertheless the 4 year kick-off meeting (all in remote) has been scheduled and will take place on June 17. Stay tuned for details !…
Paper presenting a new framework for data analysis just published !
A paper by Clara and company titled “Framework for analysis of next generation, polarized CMB data sets in the presence of Galactic foregrounds and systematic effects” has been just published in Physical Review D. The paper presents a …
A Julia crash-course !
A first installment of a crash, kick-off course in Julia, for (mostly) accomplished Python programmers stimulated by the B3DCMB project was held on March 11. The course is geared up towards the B3DCMB students and collaborators from APC and elsewhere …
Thanks, Aygul !
Aygul’s two-year postdoctoral position funded by the ANR and the region, DIM-ACAV, has come to an end. Aygul has worked on the implementation of novel two level preconditioning techniques in the context of the map-making software, MAPPRAISER.
We thank Aygul …
Clara gets her (scientific) spurs and a paper !

Clara Vergès – a graduate student associated with the B3DCMB project was awarded a title of a doctor of the newly created Université de Paris defending her …
Simons Observatory annual collaboration meeting …
The (remote) screen-to-screen collaboration meeting of the multi-national Simons Observatory experiment took place from June 22-26. Hamza and Baptiste presented their work on the development of the map-making tools for the Simons Observatory data analysis and prospects for detecting the …
The paper on accelerating time domain component separation has been just published !
(Super)computing time at TGCC
The B3DCMB project got awarded an initial allocation under the A8 allocation call. So our tools and codes will soon be moving (virtually) to France … More to come !…
Collaboration meeting: 2020 kick-off
The 2020 kick-off meeting took place on March 6 at APC.
Participants: Nicolas Chopin (ENSAE), Thibault Cimic (INRIA), Gabriel Ducrocq (ENSAE), Hamza El Bouhargani (APC), Josquin Errard (APC), Laura Grigori (INRIA), Aygul Jamal (APC), Baptiste Jost (APC), Matthieu Tristram (LAL), …
New paper on accelerated solvers for CMB
Recently, Jan, Laura, and Radek submitted a paper proposing new techniques for solving a sequence of linear algebraic systems arising in time-domain component separation. The approach we have proposed combines: 1) two-level preconditioner where the second level is built progressively …
3rd year kick-off scheduled !
The kick-off of the 3rd year activities is scheduled for March 6 and will take place at the APC Laboratory. More info soon !…
Centre Pierre Binétruy (part II)

Just got going. Officially. After the formal signing ceremony on Sept 26, 2019 the Center has officially begun its activities from Jan 01, 2020 !
Between many other science …
‘B-modes from space’, 2019 edition …

We have had notable presence during the bi-annual, ‘B-modes from space’ workshop which has taken place in Munich this time. Clara, Clément, Hamza and Josquin went there to check the state-of-play in …
Tour de Pologne

Radek gave three talks over two days early this week during his visit to Poland: (1) at the Copernicus Astronomical Center (Nov 18 at 11am), (2) at the National Center for Nuclear …
B3DCMB results presented during a meeting !

Radek has given an invited overview of some of the results produced by the B3DCMB project to a cosmological audience during the meeting held at Institute of Fundamental Physics of the Universe in Trieste, Italy, and focused on “Fundamental Physics …
So no …
the astrophysics are not completely useless they just need to … quit … (aka as ‘there is life after the astrophysics’) … check this article (and yes, – DISCLAIMER – we do know some of the characters !).…
Dominic got some title …

Dominic Beck, a graduate student at APC collaborating on the B3DCMB project and an author of the project logo and most of the graphics on this website, successfully defended …
Results of the B3DCMB project during SIAM CSE19
Some of our results and ideas concerning preconditioners and linear solvers were recently presented during SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering in Spokane. Within the minisyposium organized by the NLAFET consortium (that includes a part of Laura Grigori’s team), …
2nd year kick-off scheduled !
The 2nd year kick-off meeting is scheduled to take place on Feb 21 at INRIA ! Check our meeting page for more details.…
Cosmo lectures at LAL
Our collaborators at LAL (Sophie Henrot-Versille and Matt Tristram) are organizing a series of lectures on the physics of the cosmic microwave background. From an email from Sophie:
Dear all On the 15th, 16th and 17th of october, Eiichiro Komatsu,…
New PhD students have just started !
Thibault Cimic and Hamza El Bouhargani have just started their PhD work at INRIA (supervised by: L. Grigori) and APC (supervised by: R. Stompor and J. Errard), respectively. Thibault will work on novel solvers to linear systems of equations as …
Two postdoctoral positions available !!!
Next collaboration meeting, May 17
We will have our next collaboration meeting on May 17 at ENSAE. The focus will be on Bayesian computation techniques. On this occasion we will host Davide Poletti of SISSA for a week starting from May 16.…
Matching funds from DIM-ACAV
Good news ! We have received funding from DIM-ACAV for one extra year of a postdoc to complement the funding from the ANR. The job advert will be out very soon. Watch this space !!!…