Clément and Baptiste, a postdoc and a student involved in the B3DCMB project, presented their work during the second CMB-France meeting at the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP), which was held on the 15th and 16th of November. Check here…
Category: Uncategorized
The 5th year kick-off coming soon !
We are planning on having a meeting in mid-December to summarize the progress to date and set the course for the 5th and the final year of the project ! The meeting will mark departure of some of the current, …
Simons Observatory annual collaboration meeting …
The (remote) screen-to-screen collaboration meeting of the multi-national Simons Observatory experiment took place from June 22-26. Hamza and Baptiste presented their work on the development of the map-making tools for the Simons Observatory data analysis and prospects for detecting the …
The paper on accelerating time domain component separation has been just published !
(Super)computing time at TGCC
The B3DCMB project got awarded an initial allocation under the A8 allocation call. So our tools and codes will soon be moving (virtually) to France … More to come !…
‘B-modes from space’, 2019 edition …
We have had notable presence during the bi-annual, ‘B-modes from space’ workshop which has taken place in Munich this time. Clara, Clément, Hamza and Josquin went there to check the state-of-play in …
Tour de Pologne
Radek gave three talks over two days early this week during his visit to Poland: (1) at the Copernicus Astronomical Center (Nov 18 at 11am), (2) at the National Center for Nuclear …
So no …
the astrophysics are not completely useless they just need to … quit … (aka as ‘there is life after the astrophysics’) … check this article (and yes, – DISCLAIMER – we do know some of the characters !).…
Two postdoctoral positions available !!!
Next collaboration meeting, May 17
We will have our next collaboration meeting on May 17 at ENSAE. The focus will be on Bayesian computation techniques. On this occasion we will host Davide Poletti of SISSA for a week starting from May 16.…