Dominic Beck, a graduate student at APC collaborating on the B3DCMB project and an author of the project logo and most of the graphics on this website, successfully defended his thesis work this Thursday, Oct 2, 2019, gaining a title of a doctor of cosmological physics. Dominic will stay at APC for a few more weeks before moving on to Stanford as a postdoctoral fellow. Dominic’s thesis, “Challenges in CMB lensing data analysis and scientific exploitation of current and future CMB data sets“, covers a broad range of topics in modern CMB data analysis discussing its physical context as well as numerical aspects and focusing on theoretical and numerical issues related to modeling and exploitation of the CMB lensing signal. The numerical software, LensQUest, developed as part of the thesis is available on-line.
The thesis itself will become available on-line soon for a general enjoyment.
Congratulations to Dominic for the fantastic work ! And looking forward to our future trans-continental collaborations !