Recently, Jan, Laura, and Radek submitted a paper proposing new techniques for solving a sequence of linear algebraic systems arising in time-domain component separation. The approach we have proposed combines: 1) two-level preconditioner where the second level is built progressively …
Author: Jan Papez
Results of the B3DCMB project during SIAM CSE19
Some of our results and ideas concerning preconditioners and linear solvers were recently presented during SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering in Spokane. Within the minisyposium organized by the NLAFET consortium (that includes a part of Laura Grigori’s team), …
New paper on linear solvers for the CMB data analysis
CMB data analysis commonly involves solution of large systems of equations. Finding appropriate solvers for these systems is a subject of ongoing research and one of the aims of B3DCMB project. The fact that, in general, the system matrix cannot …